Abaca Farming

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Popular Abaca Technologies

Popular Abaca Technologies

Titles :



The climatic condition in Region VIII which covers Leyte and Samar is best suited for abaca production. Recently, Region VIII is the highest abaca producing area of the country since some of the abaca plantation in Bicol and Mindanao are infested by pests and diseases.

Inorder that Region VIII will not be affected by the disease which seriously affect the production in Bicol and Mindanao and to continually enhance or increase the quality and yield of fiber, it is necessary to follow the proper way of growing abaca as suggested in this guide.

Selection of Plantation Site

Planting Materials

Abaca has two types of planting materials:

Time of Planting

Land Preparation

Land clearing and preparation of the area will depend on the type of soil, slope and terrain, and kind of weeds growing in the area.

Lowland area

Upland area

Planting Method and Distance

Hole Preparation



The amount of commercial fertilizer needed will depend on the inherent fertility of the soil. Thus, soil sampling is very much needed to assess the soil fertility.

Fertilization guide in a one hectare abaca plantation:

Type of Fertilizer Amount of Fertilizer Needed (sacks) Time of Fertilization (MAP1)
Urea 2 3 MAP
Urea 2 6 MAP
Complete 2 9 MAP
Complete 2 12 MAP

In old abaca plantation, apply fertilizer once before and after rainy season at 8 bags per hectare (4 Urea and 4 complete).

Remove weeds around abaca plant before fertilizing. Use drill method in fertilizing abaca and apply fertilizer at a distance of 1½ feet from the base.


Provide shade to newly germinated abaca plants until it is fully established.


Potential Intercrops

Intercropping under abaca can provide additional income. The plants that can be utilized under abaca are as follows:

For newly opened abaca plantation:

For old abaca plantation

Advantages in Planting Intercrops Under Abaca

Additional income can be derived from intercrop aside from the income earned from abaca.

If legumes were planted like mungbean, bushbean or peanut under abaca, fertility status of the soil will be alleviated.

Maintening the number of suckers

Remove the undesirable suckers of abaca inorder to maintain fertility of the soil and to enhance the growth of the remaining plants. This will be done simultaneously during the weeding period.


National Abaca Research Center
Visayas State College of Agriculture
Baybay, Leyte

A Field Manual


Abaca is a well known crop in the Philippines especially in Region 8 for its fiber's good quality and strength. To step-up the industry and to maintain and conserve this crop which is indigenous in the Philippines, farmers are being motivated and encouraged by the different government and non-government agencies to plant abaca. Hence, there exists a growing demand for abaca planting materials. In fact, the National Abaca Research Center (NARC), could no longer cope with the requests for planting materials from farmers who wish to rehabilitate or establish an abaca plantation. It is then a challenge to our abaca cultivators, extension and development workers, financing institutions and local government units to solve the rising demand of planting materials.

Selecting the Site

The site for abaca nursery should be:

Preparing the Field

Planting Material





Rapid Sucker Multiplication Technique

Remove or puncture the pseudostem of the mother plant 4-6 months after planting in order to regenerate eyebuds or suckers. This technique, known as "decapitation", was based on the premise that the nutrients absorbed for the growth of the motherplant will be utilized for regeneration of eyebuds and suckers.

Harvesting of abaca seedpieces


National Abaca Research Center
Visayas State College of Agriculture
Baybay, Leyte



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